Free Scripts by Chris Greenfield

All scripts on this site are free to use for your demo reels or any other purpose. If you're interested in custom written demo scripts, check out the Demo Writing page HERE!If you do wind up creating something with these scripts, please link it to me on Discord (Chris#4862) so I can check it out!Last updated: 06/25/23


Custom Demo Scripts

Custom demo writing services are currently closed, while I work on improving my craft. My apologies!

Custom Demo Scripts

Character, animation, and video game demo writing

  • $90 - Minimum Package (5-6 characters)

  • $120 - Basic Package (5-7 characters)

  • $170 - Standard Package (10 characters)

  • $210 - Double Package (14-15 characters)

Note: All packages (other than the minimum package) include an optional Discord or Zoom call, in which we can discuss your strengths and characters.
If you're interested in purchasing this service or have any questions, feel free to message me on any of the following platforms.
Discord: Chris#4862
Twitter: @CGreenfieldVA


How many people are reading? Use the buttons below to select the number of characters you need. More scripts will be added as I write them, so check back soon!Note: As most of these scripts come from my tiktok videos, most of them will be 1 or 2 person scripts!

1-person scripts

2-person scripts

3-person scripts

4-person scripts

The Villain Family - Quake's Secret

Inferno (I) - 13 year old son of Mastermind & Tempest. Can conjure flames at will, and loves terrorizing people... which is not very far off from an average 13 year old boy actually… (13 lines)
Mastermind (M) - Father of the family, evil supergenius with telekinetic powers. One of the most well-known villains in the world. Has very high expectations for his children to follow in his footsteps, and is very proud of their evil deeds. (31 lines)Tempest (T) - Mother of the family, also an evil genius, can control the weather. Would like for her children to follow family tradition, but ultimately wants what is best for them. (18 lines)Quake (Q) - 17 year old daughter of Mastermind & Tempest. Has control over the Earth’s crust. Can cause earthquakes, sinkholes, and chasms to appear at will. A little bit angsty. She has a secret that she needs to confess to her family. (17 lines)

Scene: A family of super-villains sits around the dinner table, having a family meal. The son, Inferno, is excitedly telling a story about his day.I: I distract the owner of the shop by setting his toupée on fire, while my friend Jackhammer punches through the safe in the back room. (Laugh) I was just smacking the guy on the head, acting like I was trying to put the fire out, he was screaming his head off the whole time, it was hilarious. Me and Jackhammer made like 200 bucks each from the safe, and I burned up the guy’s awful carpet-hair, which wasn’t fooling anybody. So in a way, we kind of did him a favor!M: (Laugh) Wonderful! Ahh, I remember the good old days, back when I was your age. Robbing convenience stores, harassing the elderly, destroying property. (Happy sigh) Fond memories. What kind of things was he screaming?I: (Mockingly) “AHHHH my hair! Put it out! How did it catch on fire?! It burns, it burns!”(Family laughs)T: I swear, we should write a book one day, just full of all of the ridiculous things people scream when they’re in distress.M: That would be a hit! We could set up a booth at the next WickedCon, I bet we’d sell out faster than the illegal weapons booth!T: What’s funny to me is no matter who you’re terrorizing, they always wind up pleading for the same thing in the end. Mercy. Mercy?? Come on, what do I look like to you, one of those pathetic heroes?!Q (quietly): They’re not all-I: God, heroes stink!M: Inferno? Language.I: Sorry Dad, heroes suck!M: Much better.Q (slightly louder): Not all of-I: In fact, when I get older, I’m gonna burn every last stupid hero alive! I’m gonna have a barbecue, and roasted hero will be the main course!Q (Slamming fists on table): Not my hero you won’t! I’ll make the Earth swallow you whole if you harm one hair on his head! You thought being buried 6 feet was bad?? Try 6 miles!!!(The family goes quiet for a moment, staring at Quake)M: Your hero, sweetie? Don’t get me wrong, that was a great threatening villain monologue, I’m proud of you, but what did you mean by “your hero”?Q: see...I’ve been meaning to tell you and Mom…I: You would never be able to bury me! I’d turn you to ash before you could even-T: Inferno! Now is not the time.I: (Crosses his arms and huffs)T: Meaning to tell us what honey?Q: That I’ a hero?M: What?!Q: He’s really sweet! We’ve been on a few dates, and I really like him!M: A few dates?! You’ve gone on a few dates with a HERO?? We’re villains, Quake! Heroes try to defeat us! We don’t DATE them!Q: You dated a hero before you met Mom!M (daydreaming): Ahh, Elastigirl...that was different, she was so flexible…T (clearing her throat loudly): AHEM!M (snapping out of it): Uhh...and so un-villainous! Bleck! She had all these morals, and values, ughh. And then I met your wonderful, beautiful, evil Mother, and have never been happier!T: That’s right. Your Father was never happy with her. Villains just aren’t meant to date heroes. “Elastigirl” was always trying to change him. Which is why I changed her house into a pile of rubble, with an F5 tornado.M: You sure did. That’s the day I realized you were the one for me.Q: That’s the thing, he doesn’t want to change me. He says that he sees the good in me, and that he won’t ever ask me to change if I don’t want to.M: Yeah I’ll bet he does say that. Let me tell you something. These heroic boys your age have one thing, and one thing only on their minds. Finding the location of your family’s secret hideout.Q: He doesn’t care about our hideout! Besides, everyone knows where our hideout is! You literally rented a billboard telling everyone where it was, to lure in Tortoise Man.I: I still don’t know why you rented it instead of just mind-controlling the guy to put it up for free…M: Hey! The guy who owns the billboard company is a villain, and we support villain owned businesses in this family! Besides, my plan worked didn’t it? And that’s not the point! The point is, all heroes are bad!T: Honey, I hate heroes as much as you do, but let’s give her a chance. Who is he?Q: probably never heard of him.M: If he’s a hero, I’m sure I have him in my hero database. What’s his name?Q: Well, it’s uhhh…(mumbling quickly, intelligibly) Ocean Boy.M: Who? I didn’t catch that.Q: His name is (mumbling again) Ocean Boy…M: (Sighs) Quake...don’t make me read your mind.T: Honey! We don’t use our powers against the kids.M: I know, I know.T: Quake, you can tell us. We won’t get mad at you.Q: (Deep breath) Okay...his name is Ocean Boy.M: OCEAN BOY?!!??! DO MY EARS DECEIVE ME???I: Ooooooooh you’re toast!M: OCEAN BOY AS IN THE SON OF PROFESSOR LIGHT, MY ARCH NEMESIS??!T: Honey calm down…M: I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! My daughter is dating my worst enemy’s son!T: I SAID CALM DOWN! (Tempest’s eyes glow white, wind begins to howl)M: ...Sorry Dear.T: (Breathes out, composes herself, wind dies down) did you meet him?Q: Remember last time Dad and Professor Light were fighting, when Dad stole all the giraffes from the zoo? Well we both happened to be watching from this hill that was nearby. He was like “Crazy fight huh?” And I said “Yeah, that’s actually my Dad”, and he was like “No way, that’s my Dad fighting him!”, and we both laughed, and started talking and...we got along really great.I: Why did you steal all the giraffes from the zoo Dad?M: Because it would ruin them! Who would ever want to visit a zoo with no giraffes in it?I: I would, all I care about in the zoo are the monkeys, they’re so funny.M: Monkeys are okay, but giraffes are the real-T: Would you two cut it out! She’s talking! Keep going honey.Q: ...So, we exchanged numbers, and we texted a lot, and he’s really funny, and he’s so nice to me. The last few times I told you I was going to hang out with Deathblossom, I was actually going out with him. I’m sorry for lying. I never thought I’d like a guy being all kind and...hero-y, but I watched him beat up a mugger, and I...I kinda liked it.M: Quake, please, listen to yourself. Never apologize for lying. And muggers are such an important part of our community! Beating them up is an insult to our way of life. I understand puppy love, I really do. But I don’t think this guy will be anything but trouble for you.T: Hun, if you’ll remember, my father wasn’t too thrilled at the idea of me dating you either. But he grew to accept it!M: (Under his breath) Yeah, when I brainwashed him…T: What was that honey?M: Nothing dear, you were saying?T: Maybe we need to give him a chance, and get to know him. Who knows, maybe we can even convince him to turn on his father one day!M: Hmmm, I do like the sound of that…T: We just want you to be happy Quake. And if seeing this boy makes you happy, we support you, right Dear?M: ...Yeah, yeah I guess so. You just keep your guard up, okay Quake? You never know when these cowar...I mean these, uhh...heroes, will strike. They can be tricky.Q: Thank you Dad, thank you Mom! I promise I’ll be careful. Speaking of which...he wants to meet up tonight, can I go see him?M: You’re welcome sweetie. Just make sure he knows that if he hurts you, I’ll make his head pop like a water balloon. And yes you can go, just make sure that you break curfew.Q: Oh you don’t have to worry about that, I’ll send him plummeting into a 10 mile deep chasm if he tries. I’ll see you later!(Quake hugs her Mom and Dad and leaves)M: *(Waits until she leaves) *Inferno?I: Yeah Dad?M: Follow her at a distance. If that little fish boy gets closer than a foot from her, you light a fire in his pants.I: (Laughs) With pleasure!(Inferno excitedly leaves as well)T: Oh honey, you’re too overprotective.M: (Sighs happily) I know, it’s just one of my many terrible qualities.The End

Baby Allen

Baby Allen (B) - 1 year old baby boy, possible future evil mastermind?
Nancy (N) - Doting mother of baby Allen, loves her son unconditionally, and thinks he's the smartest little boy in the world.John (J) - Father of baby Allen, is beginning to worry about his son's behavior and his wife's apathy toward it.

J (quietly as to not be overheard): I dunno Nancy, I've been talking to the guys at work, and they say that their babies never talked like Allen does.N (slightly less quiet than J): Well our son is just unique! He's the brightest little boy to ever live. Look at him! Have you ever seen a 1 year old use a spoon so well?J (still quiet): No, no I haven't. I just think...maybe we should have to a therapist or something, I don't know.N (whisper shouting): A therapist?! He's 1 John!J (quiet): I know! But-...B: Mother? I require more mac and cheese.N (aside to J): He just has a very advanced vocabulary! I told you having him listen to Beethoven in the womb would make him smarter!N: Oh baby Allen you already had a whole bowl full! You can't eat too much or you'll get a tummy ache!B: My tummy does not ache. My tummy craves. And this craving can only be satiated by mac and cheese.N: Macaroni is veeeeery filling baby Allen!B: You fool. The mac is naught but a vessel to deliver cheese to my insatiable maw. My craving for the liquid gold that is Kraft cheese sauce cannot and WILL NOT go unfulfilled. For soon I shall gain full control of this FLESH PRISON, and I will scale the kitchen counter! I will open the cabinet next to the sippy cups. And I will claim what is rightfully mine!J:What is that?? Nancy! Insatiable maw? Flesh prison?! Do you hear him?? You're telling me there's nothing wrong with him?!N: John! Stop! You're going to hurt his feelings!B: Father? Do you have grievances to air? Come now, let us settle them.J: Grievances baby Allen?? GRIEVANCES?! Where are you learning these words??B: PBS Kids is a very powerful learning tool Father. Perhaps you should view it yourself some time. Now...make me another bowl of mac and cheese. And while you're at it, I could go for a nice tall sippy cup full of choccy milk right now.J: Wh-what? You did NOT learn all these words from Curious George! And no! You can't have more mac and cheese! You're our son, and you'll listen to what we say!N: JOHN! Don't yell at our sweet baby boy! You're arguing with a 1 year old right now! Oh baby Allen, you can have one more little bowl okay? But after that we're gonna go play with toys.B (smugly): Yes Mother, one more little bowl sounds fantastic. Father, be a dear and make yourself useful, go set up my train tracks. And I expect a more intricate layout than a mere circle like last time.J: You little mother f-N: JOHN!J: NANCY! Do you hear him?! Please tell me you hear him!N: I do John! I hear him! And I hear you! I hear you loud and clear! We have the smartest, sweetest little boy in the world, and what? You're threatened by him?? You're not the smartest in the house anymore? Is that it?? You wanna be the smartest?! You need me to clap for you and pat your head and tell you how smart you are??J: ...I can't believe you. Jesus, you're making me think that my father was right about you all along!N: ...(sniffle)...w-...J: Nancy...Nancy I'm sorry, I didn't mean that...N: How DARE you cause distress to my mother! You lowly, subhuman puddle of bile! You absolute peon!! I heard you admiring my use of spoons earlier. I can guarantee you that my use of other utensils is much, much more impressive. If I EVER see another tear fall from my mother's eyes caused by you, I shall ensure that you witness exactly how impressive it is. Do I make myself clear?!J: Y-...yes...B: Good. Mother, I require uppies.N: (sniff) Oh baby Allen.The End

Baby Allen 2 - The Psychologist

Baby Allen (B) - 1 year old baby boy, possible future evil mastermind? Excited for a day at the park.
John (J) - Father of Baby Allen, has finally had enough, and decided to bring Allen to see somebody.Receptionist (R) - The friendly receptionist who works in the lobby of the psychologist’s office. (only has a couple of lines, can be played by whoever plays the therapist)Therapist (T) - A very friendly pediatric psychologist. Is meeting up with John and Baby Allen for the first time, to discuss John’s concerns.

B: Father, where are we? This doesn’t look like the way to the park.J: Don’t you worry Baby Allen, we’re just taking the scenic route!B: I don’t know what you find scenic about poorly maintained lawns and oddly colored, cookie cutter housing. It looks like we’re in the town from Edward Scissorhands for heaven’s sake.J: Hey, Edward Scissorhands is a classic movie! I’m still convinced it was Johnny Depp’s finest performance.B (overlapping J): Finest performance, yes yes I know. I’ve only heard your opinion on that dreadful movie about 365 times in the year I’ve been alive, please spare me the commentary.J: You know, I’ve always considered starting up a movie reviewing blog, I could be one of those edgy, brutally honest type reviewers.B: Father, you are about as edgy as a marble. And as far as a blog goes, I don’t think the internet could handle a site as mundane as yours would likely be. The sheer blandness would cause it to gain sentience, only for it to implode upon itself, collapsing the entire worldwide infrastructure.J: I’m sure it would Baby Allen. Alright, here we are!B: What? What is this? Maplewood Pediatric Psychologist Office?! You sneaky devil…You got me talking to distract me! Edgy brutally honest movie reviews?? I should have known!J: Maybe I’m not such a…what’s the word you always use? Ignoralis?B: Ignoramus! I may have underestimated you this time, but you absolutely are one if you expect me to enter that facility!J: It’ll be fine Baby Allen, I promise. I’m sure you’ll love the doctor!B: No! Unhand me! (sounds of struggle) Blast you and your brutish strength and size! You behemoth!J: I’m 5 foot 5 Allen.B: I know! You are an immovable mountain! Far taller and not to mention stronger than all of the other fathers at my daycare. You could easily best any one of them in hand to hand combat! And yet you choose to use this immense strength to instead drag me into this unfamiliar building, to be poked and prodded by some QUACK! Let me gooooooooo!R: Hi there! Do you have an appointment?J: Yes I do! Should be 6:30 for Allen?R: Perfect, right on time. The doctor will be ready for you in just a minute. Awww, aren’t you just the cutest thing?B: I am not CUTE, I am DISTRESSED, can’t you see?? I did not consent to these uppies! Call the authorities pronto!R: Wow, he has quite the vocabulary! What a smart little guy you are!J: A little bit of Beethoven in the womb, a little bit of PBS kids, not to mention some brain power from his good old Dad, and voila! Smartest little guy around. (chuckle)B: Brain power?? The only thing I’ve inherited from you is this bulbous head! Release me!!(Door down the hall opens)T: Allen and John? I’m ready to see you now.B (whispered): Two can play this game, Father. I hope you’re familiar with Michigan J. Frog.T: I’m so glad to finally meet you, what you told me in our phone call was intriguing.J: Yes, this is definitely a very special case. Baby Allen is so incredibly smart, but I’m just worried about it, you know? I feel like it’s not…normal.T: Well, I don’t like to use the word “normal” here, it can be a bit demeaning. Every child is special in their own unique way. But we can absolutely see if there is any cause for concern. Would you mind if I start out by speaking with Allen? You said he understands and responds to most words?J: Yes of course, and yes, he understands every word, I think.T: Great. Hello Allen, thank you for coming to meet me today. My name is Doctor Taylor. How are you feeling today?B: (silence, looking around the room)T: Do you like all of the decorations? I have a little fish over in the corner there, her name is Dory, just like in Finding Nemo. Have you seen that movie?B: (more silence)J: (nervous laugh) Come on Baby Allen, say something! You always have something to say!T: It’s okay, there’s no rush, it can take time for a child to feel comfortable opening up. It’s only our first meeting after all. Are you a little bit nervous to speak, Allen? Because that’s okay, lots of people have a hard time speaking to somebody new. I do too!A: … goo ga ga, buh buh buh (random baby noises)T: Okay…well…how old is Allen again?J: He’s 1, but he’s doing this on purpose to mess with me! Right before we came in here, he said “I hope you know Michigan J. Frog”, you know that Looney Toons skit with the singing frog? Where the frog can sing, but won’t show anybody but that one guy? So everybody thinks he’s crazy? He’s doing that! Isn’t that right Allen! You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?!A: (farts) aaaaa, boo boooooo!T: I see…okay, well…maybe you can come back next week, and uhh, we’ll try again. In the meantime, maybe I can refer you to one of my colleagues. Fatherhood can be stressful, especially for first time fathers. It can never hurt to talk things through with a professional.J: I don’t need a therapist, I just need somebody to tell me why my 1 year old sounds like a thesaurus when he talks! I’m not crazy, my wife can confirm it too!T: Of course, I would never imply that. I believe you John. And I would love to meet your wife, feel free to bring her for our next session. You can schedule it with our receptionist Tyler out in the lobby. Maybe Allen would like a bag of veggie straws for the road, as a treat for being such a brave young man today?A: Oh that would be delightful, I haven’t had veggie straws since -.....T: …..J: SEE?!A: Uhh…goo goo ga ga?The End

Hero Lines

  • (Commanding, inspiring OR angry, intense) They think that we're pawns. And maybe we are...But the funny thing about that sometimes, pawns can slay kings.

  • (Pained, anger) You have taken everything from me! I vowed to fight for good. But now? I'm only fighting so I can watch you bleed.

  • (Hopeful, inspiring) I know it'll be tough. But regardless of how strong they may be, we have something that they don't. We have something worth fighting for.

  • (Determination, confidence) You're right. I've spent my whole life feeling like a failure. But that ends today! Now come on, we've got a world to save.

  • (Pleading, desperation) You can't keep doing this! Can't you see the pain you're causing? I know the world has been unfair to you, but this is not the answer to your problems!

  • (Fierce, anger, threatening) I would do anything to protect them, ANYTHING! If I see you anywhere near them, ever again, we're gonna have a problem. Is that clear?

  • (Inspiring, rallying) Remember what we are fighting for! We're not just fighting for our kingdom, we're fighting for our homes. We're fighting for our friends, our loved ones, our children! We're fighting to give our future generations the safety, the freedom that we did not have! If we remember those reasons, there's no way we can lose. Now let's ride!

  • (Wise, sage-like, calm) You can only borrow the powers of nature, not harness them. See how the water of the river flows as I ask, and how the great oak lends it's strength to me freely. I do not demand, I request. And as the forest knows me, it gives happily. Give Mother Nature respect, and She shall return it to you.

  • (Anger, spiteful) You're wrong! Mercy is not for the weak. It is for those who deserve it...And you've caused far too much pain to deserve mercy from me!

  • (Disappointment, resolved) I had the chance to choose between what was right, and what was easy...and I chose wrong. But I've been fighting every day to fix my mistake.

  • (Explanatory, concerned) Not much is known about them yet, but we've been calling them Sleep-swappers. They're beings that can invade your dreams, and then take over your body from within them. They leave your consciousness trapped in a state of dreaming.

  • (Panic into shock/terror) (Huffing) Alex! We need to get out of here! Now! It already got Hannah, it won't be long until- (sudden realization) no....NO! ALEEEEEXXXX!!!

  • (Confident, taunting) (getting punched effort) (pained chuckle, heavy breathing) Three against one huh? That's not fair. (attack effort) You're gonna need more than that if you want it to be even.

  • (Frustrated, desperation) (sounds of struggle, trying to break restraints) No! We've tried that! We've tried everything, and none of it has worked! This is the only option left! Get OFF of me!

  • (Protective, commanding) (heavy labored breathing from running) Keep moving, and don't look back! We're almost to the safehouse. (sound of tripping and falling, cry of pain) (through gritted teeth) Leave me! Just go! I SAID GO!

  • (Frustrated, commanding) Listen to me! The changelings are coming, whether we're ready or not! If you wanna waste what little preparation time we have sulking and pouting, then be my guest. But I'm not giving up yet. I refuse to go down without a fight. Remember what Commander Murphy always told us...You can accept your fate, or you can try to change it. I've made my choice. It's time to make yours.

  • (Spiteful, angered) I know the risks, and I am willing to take them! I would gladly trade my life for the freedom of our people. I would hope you'd do the same.

  • (Angry, spiteful) Justice...right. (scoff) Everybody keeps saying that. Everybody keeps reassuring me that we'll get "justice", like that means ANYTHING to me! Justice is a lie! He will NEVER be able to pay for what he's done. No sentence is long enough, no dungeon is dark enough, no guillotine is sharp enough! (Heavy breaths) He took her from me. Nothing he has or ever will have can compare to what he has taken...(pause) do what you wish with him. But don't you dare call it justice.

Villain Lines

  • (Sly, arrogant, taunting) Well well well, what do we have here? A little lamb come to play with the wolf? You're just in time, I was just getting hungry.

  • (Rising anger, threatening) You are no more significant than insects to me. I have conquered kingdoms, defeated armies, slain GODS! So I suggest you give up, now.

  • (Maniacal, unhinged) There's no such thing as heroes and villains! We're all villains! It's just that those who live to tell the tale will always paint themselves as the heroes.

  • (Taunting, venomous) Is that truly your best? Pathetic. And such a shame, I thought you might actually be worth my time. But it appears I was mistaken. Now, beg for mercy.

  • (Stoic, assertive OR nonchalant, sarcastic) Time and time again self-proclaimed heroes will take justice into their own hands, no matter the cost. I'm just the one who holds them accountable.

  • (Insane joy, amusement) I forsaw, I PLANNED every single step you took. You are no more than a puppet, and I the puppeteer, pulling the strings and watching you dance. So dance for me puppet, DANCE!

  • (Calm, calculated OR deranged clarity) "Good" people are nothing but stepping stones for those willing to exploit them. Is a clean conscience really worth a lifetime of being walked over?

  • (Disgust, disdain) I existed far before you humans INFESTED this planet. And I shall exist long after you are exterminated like the pests that you are. You are temporary, but eternal.

  • (Anger, demanding, into malicious happiness) They have crossed me for the last time. I offered them mercy and they spat in my face! 500 gold to the person who brings them to me! And bring them alive...I want them to look me in the eyes as they suffer.

  • (Condescending, taunting) Surely you've heard the tales of my power. And yet, here you stand before me. (chuckle) The foolishness of humanity never fails to surprise me. So tell me, are you here to kneel, or to perish?

  • (Maniacal, unhinged) Oh I wish you could see the looks on your faces! The pain - the AGONY is simply...delicious.

  • (Open to any interpretation) Why are you running from me?? I just want to play a little game! Don't you like games?! All this running is just making me hungrier!

  • (Sly, arrogant, taunting) Oh, you poor thing. Watching your look of determination fade into desperation and helplessness...I almost pity you…almost.

  • (Rising anger OR cold, calculated) Standing against me is futile! I have already won. If you truly wish to throw away your life away for a cause that has already been lost, then so be it! But do not expect mercy from me.

  • (Unhinged, maniacal) All you heroes are the same! Cogs in the very machine that you seek to destroy. But don’t you worry! I am the wrench that you so desperately wish to be.

  • (Calm, calculating) Save your breath. Because in my eyes, YOU are the villain. You're so caught up in your blisfully ignorant ideals that you have become blind to the truth. I do what must be done, regardless of the consequences. So try to stop me if you wish, but do not confuse your naivety for heroics.

  • (Unpredictable, unhinged) Think of the people?? (laugh) Why would I think of the people, when they have never ONCE thought of me?! They left me to rot when I needed them most. They turned a blind eye, and allowed my hatred to fester, my mind to twist for YEARS! So now when I try to "think of the people", all I can think of is how to make them feel the way they made me feel.

  • (Maniacal, raving) Rules weren't made to be broken, no no no, rules were made to be tested. How far can we inch past the line before getting a slap on the wrist? How much can we twist and bend them to fit our needs. And I'm not talking about bending them myself! I'm talking about those who make the rules. Why do you think it's so easy for people to find loopholes in rules and laws? The "upstanding citizens" who make the rules leave them there purposely, just so they can skirt around them later. Following them is a sucker's game. And I'm no sucker.

  • (Unhinged, but methodical) Behold my magnum opus, The Orchestra! (laugh) don't their screams form the most wonderful melody? (counting in time) One two two three...Ahh, only a trained ear can appreciate such a hauntingly beautiful dissonance. So tell me, are you here to dance?

  • (Stoic OR rising anger) Doctors are praised for curing other ailments that cause pain and suffering, while I am shunned for curing the worst of them all! Emotions are a disease; a PLAGUE upon humanity! Once I spread my serum, you will see that I was right all along! No more sadness, no more fear, no more anger, no more pain! I will be hailed as a hero, and you will go down as history's most vile villain for attempting to stop me!

  • (Rising anger, furious) My own people, criticizing my actions. The very people I lifted from the filth with my bare hands, now have the audacity to question me. Had I not saved you, you would all still be NOTHING! But because of the luxuries I have bestowed upon you, you have forgotten how it feels to have empty stomachs, how it feels to sleep upon the dirt. Perhaps it is time for you to be reminded. Perhaps if I set my kingdom ablaze, and take away everything that I have given you, you will remember. I am not opposed to a fresh start, a new beginning, if it reminds you all of your place. You may have the title of noble, but you are still nothing more than my subjects. It would do you well to keep that in mind.

  • (Sorrowful, character's last words) I never thought this day would come...although, I always knew it needed to. All I wanted was to change the world, but power is...a parasite. I could feel it - always- eating away at me from the inside. My ambition overcome by it's tendrils of corruption, as they constricted my mind! (gasp of pain) I thought I was strong. I won countless battles and yet...I could not win against my own nature. I say this not as an excuse, but as a warning. Do not follow in my footsteps. Please.

  • (Rising anger) I was not born with this power. It was not given to me by the grace of some divine I took it. I wrenched it from the hands of the very beings who sat here before me; I fought tooth and nail against their thunder and fire, and STILL emerged victorious. So I offer you a choice. Kneel of your own will. Or kneel by my fist.

  • (Unhinged, maniacal) Hate you? (laugh) How could I hate you, when you are my greatest work! Just look at what you've become! Look at what you have lost, what you have WILLINGLY sacrificed, all in the pursuit of defeating me. (chuckle) And perhaps one day you will defeat me...but if that day does come, I will ensure that there is NOTHING left of what you were. You will only be what I have made you.

  • (Matter of fact, calm) Do not mistake my actions for cruelty. Everything I do, I do for us. I would tear down empires, topple nations, reduce the entire world to ashes, all with a smile on my face, in the name of our love. The world has not been kind to us. So why should I be kind to it?

  • (Arrogant, mocking) It's funny, how you can learn so much about a man when he is faced with true hopelessness. Some remain strong and proud, while others snivel. They beg and squirm until the very last moment. It's poetic really, that those who have been in control for their entire lives...are usually the latter. I wonder which you will be? (smirk) Though I have the feeling I already know.

  • (Mocking, calm) Oh you poor, poor thing. You seem to think I care about "winning". I stopped caring about winning long before I ever met you. I've accepted that people like me are meant to lose. After all, the game is rigged against us from the start. And yet - They still expect us to play by their rules. Surely even someone as rigid as yourself can see the humor in that, can't you? So don't bother with the long winded speech about how I'll always lose. I know. But I'm gonna have some fun before I do.

  • (Unhinged, maniacal) People always says that the world is not fair. But I never liked that. All I’m trying to do is MAKE it fair. If we all can’t be on top, then I’ll drag everyone down to the bottom. Then it’ll be fair.

  • (Arrogant, sly) I don’t need to be stronger. I don’t even need to be smarter. Because while you are bound by the chains of law and morality, I am unburdened by either. And for that reason alone, I will always. Always.

  • (Sly, condescending) Humans. So eager to trade their souls for a mere century of wealth, or fame. They do not grasp the concept of ETERNAL suffering. (smirk) But I ensure that they learn quickly. And once they do, their despair is simply...delicious.

  • (Anger, spiteful) You think I used YOU? No no no, you were the one that tried to use me! I made it very clear that you were nothing to me but a means to an end, yet you still tried to use me to fill whatever void you have in your heart. So let me say it again...You mean nothing to me.

  • (Condescending, mocking) Tell me, do you truly believe that your soul is worth anything to me? That mortal souls are hard to come by? (laugh/chuckle) Perhaps you should have read that cute little tome that you used to summon me more closely. For your sake I hope you have something better to offer. Because I'm leaving here with your soul either way.

Antihero Lines

  • (Angry, spiteful OR stoic, calm) Nobody cared about me until I became a threat. But guess who made me this way? Guess who's lack of empathy forced me to take matters into my own hands?! And if you slay me, another will simply take my place! For I'm nothing more than a symbol. A symbol of those forgotten, those trampled by the system. And people like me are in no short supply. The system is broken beyond repair. And if something cannot be fixed, it must be dismantled and reforged! You fight for a greedy King who refuses to help his most vulnerable citizens, while I fight for the good of those very people! So remind me...who is the real villain?

  • (Cold, calm OR anger into cruel) Over the years I spent so many nights wide awake, thinking about what I’d say to you when I caught you. But now that I finally have you here? I think I’ll let my blade do the talking.

  • (Bitter, stoic OR nonchalant) I used to believe in the justice system, until I watched it fail time and time again. Now? I have my own idea of justice. And it cannot fail.

  • (Anger, accusatory) Do not preach to me about choice! Not every choice is between good and bad! I chose “bad” only because the other option was “worse”.

  • (Stoic OR rising anger OR sarcastic) Why would I bargain with a mortal? I don't think you grasp the meaning of immortality. Even in captivity, I will outlive you. I will outlive your children, your children's children, and so on, for as many generations as it takes. And if I am not freed, then I will simply wait. For the stone of my prison to crumble. The metal of it's bars to corrode. Even if it takes one hundred millennia, I WILL be free. So by all means, keep me captive for as long as you wish. No amount of time you can fathom compares to the eternity that I have and will live.

  • (Heartfelt, loving) I've said it before and I'll say it again, without you...none of this matters. I promised you that one day I would give you..everything, and I intend to keep that promise. And before you say it - I know, you don't need everything. But you deserve it. And they...they deserve what's coming. So avert your eyes if you wish, but please. Let me do what must be done, for you. For us. I love you.

  • (Comforting, loving, slightly unhinged) So please, do not fear my actions, my love. They are merely a means to an end. A world without us is a world not worth living in. And I will stop at nothing to ensure that we are together, forever.

  • (Slight anger, spite) I was just like you once...I thought they loved me too. Enjoy it while it lasts. Because all it takes is one mistake, one tiny STUPID mistake for them to hate you. And that's when you'll realize that it was never love that they had. Behind their smiles and was always fear. They try to hide it, but they're scared of people like us, and they should be! Because you and I are different. And if there's one thing people can't stand, it's things that are different.

  • (Slight anger, confident) Every day we wait, more and more people are getting hurt. I've had enough. I don't care about the consequences anymore...I'm ending this today.

  • (Anger) Don't try to paint yourself as some kind of victim. Going through pain doesn't give you the right to inflict it upon others!

Anime Lines

  • (Desperate, pleading) To hell with the village! I won't let you sacrifice yourself! I need you! Without you I...I don't have anything...Please.

  • (Spiteful, degrading) I only allowed you to live this long because I found your "heroic" antics amusing. But you have outlived your value as my jester. I no longer have use for you. So this time, I won't hold back.

  • (Anger, pained, betrayed) How could you join them?! You were my best friend, but look at yourself! You've become a monster! Best friend or not, I won't allow you to hurt anybody else!

  • (Loving, heartfelt) Before I met you, my world was just...grey. But you opened my eyes, you showed me the beauty in life. So when I find myself staring at the branches of a tree, swaying gently in the wind, or listening to the quiet babbling of a river...I always think of you.

  • (Grateful, happiness) I never really express this but, I'm truly grateful for you all. Whether you were aware of it or not, you've all helped me through things that I could not have gotten through on my own. You mean the world to me, and I could not have asked for a better group of weirdos to call my friends. (chuckle) So from the bottom of my heart...thank you.

  • (Cold, condescending OR amused, arrogant) Ragged breaths, slumped posture, perspiration...all signs of fatigue. Humans are so simple to read...and even simpler to defeat, it would seem. Our battle has only just begun, and you're already exhausted. Hmm, pity. I truely expected more from you.

  • (Desperate, anxious) You don't understand! If Annie drinks from the Lightspring, she'll become a monster! NOBODY can control the spring's power. It'll take her over, and she'll become just like the Horde...maybe even worse...

  • (Positivity masked sadness) Not every goodbye means forever. And hey who knows, maybe next time we cross paths, things won't be so crazy anymore. I look forward to that day. Goodbye.

  • (Comforting, calm) "What if's" can be a poison to the mind. You made your choices for a reason, my son. So rather than dwelling upon what COULD have been, try to celebrate what IS.

  • (Comforting, calm) It's easy to get lost on the path of life. It's so full of twists, and turns and dead ends. But luckily for us, we have those that we love to be our guides. Regardless of how strong they are...nobody gets through it alone.

  • (Sorrowful, but encouraging) Well, here we are. The last stop. This has been, incredible. I never thought I'd see you again...I just wish we could go around one more time. But rules are rules. Just promise me that you'll live life to the fullest, okay? For me? Because you never know which day will be your last. So you get off of here, and you go live your dreams. You go be the best damn actress the world has ever seen, and just know...That after every single performance, I'll be here cheering so loud they'll threaten to kick me off the train. I love you. Always remember that, okay? Goodbye.

  • (Reassuring, gentle OR tearful goodbye) Please, don't cry. This is what I was born to do...Hey, look at me. I'll see you again soon, okay? I promise.

Videogame Lines

  • (Intense, commanding OR calm, unafraid) Enough! The time for talking has passed! Pick up your sword and face me! Let's see if you truly live up to your name.

  • (Taunting, arrogant) Aye matey, ye picked the wrong seas to set sail on. These here are my waters. Hopefully that cut on yer leg doesn't attract the sharks. Now walk the plank!

  • (Sarcastic OR calm, peaceful) I think that things happen for a reason. Maybe today's difficulty will lead to tomorrow's tranquility. (chuckle) Well, I hope so at least. I guess we'll find out when we get there.

  • (Eccentric, worried, confused)No no nononono this can't be happening! I've run the numbers 1000 times! Did I make an error...? No! Never!

  • (Slight anger, venomous) That is what you will never understand, Lord Ellias. Your family's coin does not outweight the will of my people. Nothing does.

  • (Amused, sarcastic) Well look who it is, I didn't think I'd be seeing you again so soon. I hope for your sake you came better prepared this time. I suppose we'll find out soon, won't we? So, shall we begin?

  • (Arrogant, hint of threatening) I used to be afraid of the dark. Until I learned that the scariest things in life are the ones that have no need to hide.

  • (Confident, persuasive) That's why you need me. My eyes see what others miss, and my hands take what others can't.

  • (Calm, matter of fact) Too many people have been fooled into believing that it's better to die with honor than to live without it. But I'm no such fool.

  • (Sly, arrogant) Everybody loves to blabber on about how "actions speak louder than words". Thing is, you can't do either with a sliced throat.

  • (Confident, spiteful) That is where you and I differ. You are nothing more than a mere whisper in the winds of eternity. But I...(chuckle/smirk) I AM the winds.

  • (Frantic, scared) Anna? Anna! No no no no, please wake up, please! Anna! No...Help! Somebody help us! I can't...I can't, I need you, please! I can't do this alone! Why? Why couldn't it be me? I brought us here and now...I'm sorry Anna, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...

  • (Impassioned, rallying) We are the foundation of this kingdom, the backbone that holds it together. We are the ones who work tirelessly day in and day out, to ensure it continues to run. We are the ones who bear the weight of the Castle upon our shoulders, the ones who fight and die to protect those who can not. And yet, time and time again, when we need him most - the King turns his back upon us. A King that chooses the wellbeing of his coffers over the wellbeing of his people is no King at all. And so my brothers and sisters, I ask you. Will you join me and fight against tyranny, fight for what we deserve?

  • (Anger, disdain) You have taken advantage of my kindness for the last time! Twice I have offered you mercy, and twice I have been made a fool. I will not make the same mistake a third time.

  • (Excitement, over the top) Hello and welcome to the lovely land of Cresentia!! Pardon my excitement, it's been such a long time since we've had visitors!

  • (Condescending, slight anger) Do you not know where you stand? Every home in this kingdom is built upon the bones of enemies long since slain. You walk freely the cobble of it's roads that have been paved with their blood. Do not pretend you are unaware of our past, that you have not benefitted from the violence of our ancestors. I simply follow in their footsteps! I expand my Kingdom not for myself, but for you. For our future generations! So if you are unwilling to pick up a sword and slay those who stand in our Kingdom's way...then your remains can join theirs in it's foundations.

  • (Disgust, venomous) Hold your tongue, human. I care not whether you are King or peasant, your blood will taste the same either way.

  • (Calmly threatening, yet intrigued) You know, bravery often overlaps with stupidity. Coming here was certainly a bit of both. Nonetheless, I am intrigued. So tell me, why have you come?

  • (Intense, rising fervor) It is more than a desire, it is a necessity. An aching, gnawing sensation that slowly consumes your every thought, until there is nothing left...but hunger.

  • (Disgust, disdain) You mortals are so obsessed with the notion of creating something that will outlive you. Whether it be art, or family, or empire, you are all consumed by the desire to leave something - anything - behind. But why? Is it because you wish to be remembered? For tales to be told about your life and legacy? No. It is nothing but fear. The fear of being forgotten. Do not meddle in affairs that do not concern you. Or your fears may very well become reality.

Cartoon Lines

  • (Friendly, eccentric) Welcome, welcome!! I have so much to show you! Come, follow me! But watch your step, the stepping stones have a tendency to dance around!

  • (Excitement, wonder, into disgust) Wow! This place is beautiful! It's even more amazing than I imagined! -Wait a second, you invited them?! (scoff) This place stinks.

  • (Energetic, quirky) Wake UP! Adventure awaits! We can't save the world if you're too busy sleeping! (sigh) I deserve a raise.

  • (Nervous, wimpy, shock/terror) Ohhh, how do we always wind up in the darkest, scariest caves?! I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not-...AFRAAAAAAID!

  • (Bored, nonchalant OR excitement into disappointment) Hello birthday party attendees, it is I, Super Possum. (pause, sigh) What’d you expect, Batman? Your parents only paid for the basic package alright, take it up with them!

  • (Joy, pride into defeat OR breakdown/sobbing) Okay, open your eyes! Tada! I've spent the last 37 years precisely placing each and every one of these blocks, to create an exact replica of- NO DON'T it's fine, only 37 years of dedication down the drain!

  • (Frustration, condescending) Ugh, for the last time, it's two sparkle dewdrops mixed with one cup of sunshine rainbow extract! And you call yourself a magical fairy glitter princess? (Scoff) Get with the program!

  • (Exasperated, nervous) How does this keep happening, and why is it always us? Is a quiet, disaster free weekend too much to ask for? I mean seriously, it's like no matter what we do, we always wind up in some sort of perilous situation. I know, I know you said we need to stay quiet, but I'm kinda freaking out here, and when I freak out I babble. It's like my mind is going a million miles an hour and I just need to let it out or I'll explode. Ugh...I knew coming here was a bad idea.

  • (Demanding) I told you! I want my house to have a marshmallow couch, with candy cane floors, and licorice curtains! And it had better be REAL licorice, not those hideous Twizzlers. (pause) I don't care if it rots! I'll just buy more!!

  • (Condescending, venomous) You call this a stew?! I've seen more appetizing looking bowls in the bathroom of a Taco Bell! (sniff) Ugh! Better smelling too!

  • (Enticing, persuasive) Come one come all, to the world's most incredible, most mystifying, most spectacular show in all the land! Guaranteed to leave your jaws on the floor and leave you begging for more! Seats are limited, so buy your tickets now!

  • (Vampire-like voicemail) I vant you to leave a message! (chuckle) Just kidding, you've reached (Name), I'm probably out on a hunt right now, so leave your name and I'll get back to you. Bleghh!

  • (Scared, incredulous) I mean yeah, we're TECHNICALLY it's defenders, but we've never ACTUALLY had to defend it! It's been 10,000 years since the last time this happened!

  • (Annoyed, angry) Hey!! That was a rental! (sigh) I knew I should have just paid for the insurance. You really wanna do this huh? Alright, you asked for it.

  • (Slightly mocking) (Dodging an attack) Woah! Come on, can't we just talk about this? (hit by an attack) Okay, I'll take that as a no.

Comedy Lines

  • (Genuine, heartfelt, pleading) Sometimes people just...grow apart. It doesn't mean either of them did anything wrong, and that love is often still there,'s just not the same. And it hurts. But do you know what hurts worse? When you don't donate to wikipedia. If everybody reading this donated just $0.45, the price of one Goldfish Snack Pack, we could buy so many Goldfish Snack Packs. Thank you.

  • (Over the top, crazy announcer) MAAAAAAAN spray for MANLY MEN! Are you MANLY enough to take 500 CCs of pure stag musk straight to those pathetic little pits? My/his armpits have TRIPLED in width and depth thanks to manspray. Now THAT'S manly. (read quickly) Chauvinism Incorporated is not liable for chemical burns or any other bodily harm caused by man spray.

  • (Frustrated into genuine) Ugh, why do you always do this? Can't you just enjoy things?? Your superhero name should be Complainer-Man, because you always find something to complain about! Sure, our ship is on fire, and yeah, we're probably gonna be stranded here for months. But look at the trees! Look at the sky! If you always focus on the awful life-threatening situations we find ourselves in, you'll never be able to appreciate the beauty in life!

  • (Nervous, quick) Work for him?! I never even met the guy! Trust me I would never get involved with such sketchy stuff, my mamma always told me that I'm a good egg, and that I shouldn't get scrambled up with the rotten ones, those are words to live by, and live by them I have! I even used to have a doormat that said "good egg", and it was shaped like an egg, but somebody stole it, so now I have one that says "wipe your dang feet", but that's only because I couldn't find another good egg one, I promise!

  • (Happy) Well golly, nobody's ever called me a hero before. They've called me lots of other things, but...most of them weren't very nice words.

  • (Arrogant) Hey you! Bring me a very round rock, to match my very round muscles. If you do, I will flex for you twice. Here's a little preview, UNHHH! Impressive, right?

  • (Senile, insulting) You'd be a fool to go out there! I mean look at yourself, you're softer than a bowl of oatmeal! And not including the bowl of course, just the squishy...oatmeal part.

  • (Reminiscent into sadness/anger) It was the first day of 3rd grade. I made a joke, during introductions. I introduced myself as Nunya. Nunya Business. (laugh) Mrs. Beyr laughed. "You're going to be a class clown, aren't you?", She said. And from that moment on, I knew my purpose. For the last 23 years, I've dedicated myself to comedy, to the ancient, sacred duties of the clown. But it was all for naught. I have come to discover that nobody wants clever political commentary. Nobody wants wit and wordplay, nobody wants a clown of class! All they want is Physical Comedy, the lowest, most base form of humor. So it is with a heavy heart, that I hang up my wig and nose. And with it, I hang up my dreams.

  • (Enthusiastic, upbeat) Thneed season is upon us! And everybody needs a thneed! So what are you waiting for?! Grab your family, grab your neighbor, grab your dog! Grab everybody and come on down to thneeds-R-us!

  • (Energetic, news-anchor-eque) Greetings, and welcome to Galax-Tea! Your source for all the piping hot tea that's being spilled around the Galaxy. Our first story tonight, Pluto! Is it really a planet? Or is it something far more sinister? A leaked conversation between Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk might point to the latter. In the 32 minute audio recording, you can hear the two men laughing after referencing a "Plutonian surveillance" system. Have these big-wigs been secretly spying on us from space? Is that why I've been getting ads for hemorrhoid cream despite never searching for it? The world may never know for certain. That's all the time we have for tonight, but be sure to join us tomorrow when we discuss Saturn. Are it's rings really made of cheese? The answer may shock you. (Your name) signing off.

  • (Exasperated, disbelief) Did you tweet this?! "Yo Hellen Keller was bad AF"?!? (sounds of disbelief) You can't say that! This is the 3rd reckless tweet this week! (sigh) PR is gonna kill me...

  • (Cheerful into threatening) Here at Pizza Hut HQ we've been getting a lot of feedback recently. People are saying that we've been "cheaping out". Less cheese, smaller pizzas, using less meat on the Meat-sweats Supreme, and so on. Believe me, we've heard your concerns. But we've chosen to ignore them. I mean seriously, what are you gonna do, order Papa Johns? Don't make me laugh. You gonna call up LiTttLe cAeSarS?? HA, go ahead! You'll come crawling right back, just like they all do. You know why? Because NOBODY can outpizza the hut, you hear me?! NOBODY!!

  • (Mocking, exclaiming) Ugh, don't be such a wimp! Ghosts are about as real as IRS audits! I haven't paid taxes in YEARS and I'm a-okay!

Fantasy Lines

  • (Disgust, anger, ferocity) I am the King/Queen/Ruler of this realm, and it is my responsibility to care for its people! I do not care what it costs, I will make sure my people are fed! Speak to me again about cutting costs, and I shall ensure we begin with YOUR position.

  • (Determined, but sorrowful) I'm tired of decisions being made for me! The world is so much wider than this kingdom, and I want to see it all! I'm sorry Mother, but I cannot stay here.

  • (Pleading, desperate) My Queen, please reconsider. This is not who you are! Do not let your anger get the best of you, revenge will not bring you the solace that you seek. Please, trust me.

  • (Worried, serious) This is the Mothertree - the source of all magic in Everia. As you can see, it has begun to wither, and we're not quite sure why. If it were to die, all of our floating cities would plummet to the ground. It would be a catastrophe...we need to find a cure.

  • (Friendly, cheerful) Welcome to the Lazy Dragon! My, what an interesting looking group! You must be adventurers. I bet you have some stories to tell eh? Find a table anywhere, I'll be round soon to take your orders!

  • (Disdain, spiteful) King? (chuckle) Your fancy titles mean nothing here. This forest is OUR home! It belongs not to any one person, but to us all! Go back to your kingdom, nobody here shall bow to the likes of you.

  • (Threatening, serious) The choice should be simple, really. Bow, or perish. If you truly value your "loyalty" to a dead King that much, then you can join him in an early grave.

  • (Serious, slight disdain) The job of a ruler is not as enchanting as it may seem. For most, their difficult decisions impact only themselves and their families, while mine impact entire nations.

  • (Sly, persuasive) Ah, but you see my Queen, diplomacy is a war in and of itself. Grace and composure are our sword and shield. And if need be - bribery, our cloak and dagger.

  • (Anger, spiteful) My father may turn a blind eye to your corruption, but when I am ruler I shall ENSURE that your betrayals are not forgotten. And you will pay dearly for them.

  • (Confident) For far too long, rulers have put the purses of nobility above the good of the people. This mistake, I vow to correct. My coffers may suffer. But my people shall not.

  • (Calm, slightly threatening) Lord Sully, if you truly see my compassion as weakness, you are more than welcome to test my strength personally. However I do recommend you declare an heir beforehand.

  • (Condescending, spiteful) Think of the people? (laugh) My father "thought of the people", and it got him nowhere but an early grave. He may have wanted you to speak your mind when he was ruler, but I'd much prefer you to keep your mouth shut, only opening it to say "yes your grace". Have I made myself clear?

  • (Matter of fact, slightly spiteful) You see things change when you wear this crown. What is "right" becomes secondary to what is necessary. I suspect you would kill for your family, if necessary? Then why is it that when I kill for my Kingdom for YOU, I am criticized? My scale is simply larger, my purpose more profound.

Supporting Character Lines

  • (Shady, sly OR eccentric) I can get ya just about anything, including things that are uh…hard to come by, if you catch my drift. So tell me, what are ya lookin for?

  • (Border, grumpy, sarcastic) (sigh) Let me guess, you're here to fight the archmage? (short pause) No, I'm not gonna stop you, I only get paid 15 copper a day, you go right on ahead, have a blast.

  • (Stoic, serious) Of course stealing is wrong, no thief will deny it. But believe me, I'd do much worse than steal to put food in my kid's stomach if I needed to. Morals don't pay the bills.

  • (Protective, fierce) Let me make this very clear. I don't care who you are. If you ever so much as LOOK at them ever again, you're gonna need a whole lot more than a few guards to protect yourself from me.

  • (Stern, but caring) You were in the mountains again weren't you? (exasperated sigh) I told you not to go there alone! Look, I know you can handle yourself, but there are so many things that can go wrong...I just don't want you to get hurt.

  • (Disgust, bewilderment) Wait wait wait, you're suggesting we team up with HIM?! No! Noooo way, absolutely not! There's not enough gold in the MULTIVERSE to convince me to work with such a...FOPDOODLE! (huff, slight pause) It's a real word, look it up!

  • (Serious/intense into energetic/performative) You guys go in, I'll take care of the guards. (crack knuckles/neck) It's showtime. (demeanor changes) Hello Blackgate Prison! I'm (name) and I'm your entertainment for tonight! So kick back, relax, look away from the security cameras, and get ready for some musical comedy!

  • (Genuine, impressed) Alright, alright I'll admit it! This is way better than my recipe. What did you use in this sauce? Mmm! And that little hint of sweetness on the bacon, ugh, I could die happy right now.

  • (Extreme excitement, heartfelt) Wait, are you serious?! Like no joking, cross your heart, pinky promise serious??? (laugh of disbelief) That's amazing!! I knew they'd pick your painting, I knew it! (breath of relief) Congratulations!

Emotional, Romantic, Misc. Lines

  • (Calm happiness, reminiscent) You know, it's funny how life works sometimes. Growing up, I never pictured myself here. But now? I can't picture myself anywhere else.

  • (Sadness, longing) I just...miss you! Why is that so hard for you to understand? I feel like I never get to see you you're too busy for me...

  • (Loving, joy, gratitude) The amount of joy you bring to my life is immeasurable. You are everything to me. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life proving that to you.

  • (As if you're reading OR writing a letter) My dearest, writing to you is often an exercise in futility. How am I meant to find the words to describe a love like ours? I can write line after line, page after page, and yet I still feel as though there are words left unsaid. Perhaps if I fill all the world's paper with poetry and prose, I can come close. Consider this page 1. With all of my love, Yours.

  • (Grateful, heartfelt) I love that I can be myself with you. For so long, I felt like I needed to hide my true self, like I wasn't good enough. But you make me comfortable enough to take off that mask, and now I can finally breathe. Thank you for letting me be me.

  • (Explosive OR slow rising anger/rage) I told you it was a bad idea! But just like always, you did it anyway! Now you have the audacity to come here, and tell me you're sorry?! "Sorry" isn't going to bring him back!

  • (Hesitant, but heartfelt/loving) I know that you're scared of being hurt, and I am too. But these last few months with you have made me feel like...I can love again. I know it'll be hard, and we both have a lot of work to do, but, I'm willing to try. Are you?

  • (Overwhelmed, despair, sadness) It's not fair! It's not! I try so hard, every single day, but it's just one thing after another and I just- (pained exhale/sob)...I'm so tired.

  • (Calm, caring) You know, it’s easy to get caught up thinking about the way things could have been. Trouble with that is it doesn't leave you much time to appreciate the way things are.

  • (Sadness OR Anger) You're giving up? After everything we've been through? You and I made a can't just go back on it now! I can't go on without you...I need you. We need each other. Don't do this.

  • (Heartbreak, sadness) Of course you are, because that's what you do! You take. You take and you take, until I have nothing left, and then you ask me for more. I can't even blame you anymore, I know, I KNOW what you do...yet here I am, broken again. I don't know if I can put myself back together this time.

  • (Loving, happiness) I used to hate romance movies. Watching the character look at a rock on the ground and smile, because it vaguely looked like a heart. (laugh) I thought it was the corniest thing ever. And yet, today I found myself smiling and bending down to pick up...this, on the way here. A vaguely heart shaped rock, for you. I guess I kinda get it now.

  • (Calm, descriptive) Deep sunken lines between her brows, a constant reminder of her lifetime of frowns. And yet, the light in her eyes never dwindled. As hard as the world may try, it would never snuff out the fire in her soul.

  • (Grieving a loss) TW: Heavy theme I've been so...angry lately. Angry at myself, angry at other people...even angry at you. Everyone keeps telling me that you're at peace, that I'll see you again soon, but how can they be sure? Why haven't you given me a sign? I need a sign, anything, to be sure that I WILL see you again. Please...I'm just so lost without you. I know you would want me to be strong, but I-...Please.....please...

  • (Overjoyed, grateful) I've spent countless nights dreaming of this very moment, hoping it would become a reality...and now it's here. I don't even know how to feel. Just know that YOU made this a possibility. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

  • (Calm, comforting) (chuckle) I used to be scared of that same thing, until I realized's too short to spend time worrying about what other people think of me. I'd rather spend that time and that energy on the people who DO like me for me. My Grandma had this saying, 'you might be the sweetest peach on the tree, but some people just don't like peaches'. I'm pretty sure she got that off of a facebook meme, but the point still stands. Don't let that fear win. Become a person YOU like, and the rest will follow. Trust me, you got this.

  • (Sad, overwhelmed) It feels matter how much I do, or how hard I try I always find myself right back where I started. I've poured my heart and soul into things, into people that I thought would help me break free from this cycle...but every time, every time, I just wind up right back here. I don't know how to move forward, or if I even CAN move forward. I feel so trapped. And I don't know how to break free.

  • (Narrative) She laid her head down upon the tattered old pillow. A familiar feeling. If only she could whisper back through time, to the young girl crying into the very same pillow. To tell her that things really would be better one day.

  • (Loving, genuine) You know how much I love you, right? I always feel like I don't say it enough, but saying it how much I should, saying it how much I FEEL would be...impossible. We'd never be able to talk about anything else (chuckle). I just feel so, so lucky to have you in my life, the amount of joy you bring to it is immeasurable. (light exhale) I guess what I'm trying to say is...Thank you, for everything.

  • (Sad, pleading) Look, I've made mistakes. More than I'd like to admit. But every single thing that I've done, I've done for us, and I would do it all again, 100 times over if it meant you were safe. I did what I had to do. I know that my actions have hurt you, and I know I've let you down, but please try to understand where I'm coming from. Please...I can't change the past, but I'm willing to do everything in my power to make things right going forward. So please, give me one more chance. Please.

  • (Desperate, anger) Note: Feel free to change pronouns! How many times do I have to tell you, I don't care! I love him! And I don't care what you or anyone else thinks. I know it'll be hard, and I know we'll have to fight, but our love is worth fighting for. You're the one who always told me to fight for what I believe in, but now you're saying I shouldn't? I don't understand why you can't just accept him. He makes me happy. And I'm not going to let you stand in the way of my happiness. Not anymore.

  • (Anger, sadness) Why? Why do you always do this? It feels like you only want to be my friend when I'm miserable, and any time I manage to claw my way out of the depths of hopelessness, you're at the top waiting to kick me back down. Is it because you can't stand to see me happy? Do you get some kind of sick pleasure seeing me suffer? Or is it because you're jealous? Maybe I've been wrong...Maybe you're not at the top waiting to kick me down. Maybe you're at the bottom, dragging me back down.

  • (Anger, heartbreak) Trust you? (scoff) Are you serious? You want me to trust you, after everything you've put me through...after all the lies, the heartache, the betrayal?! You HAD my trust! (pained breaths) You had it, and you broke it! You don't get to come back here and tell me to trust you, when that's the very reason I got hurt in the first place! You deserve NOTHING from me...least of all my trust.

Enjoy Your Wine

Hero (H) - A hero who has taken matters into his own hands to overthrow the evil "ruler" who killed his father, the previous ruler.
Villain (V) - Evil ruler who has taken over the kingdom by killing the former ruler.

V - What brings you here?H - You and your army have been overstepping your bounds. Keep in mind that you are NOT our ruler.V - Is that so? And where is your ruler then?H - My father WAS our ruler...and his legacy will live on far longer than you will!V - Such a sweet sentiment...but dead men are just that, dead men. Guards, I don't have time for this.H - You're right. Dead mean are just that. And you're about to be one of them.V - (coughing/choking) What-...what have you done?!H - I hope you enjoyed your wine.

I Am The Weapon

Hero (H) - A hero who has finally fulfilled the prophecy and destroyed the villain's weapon. Now they can finally win...or so they think.
Villain (V) - An arrogant villain who is far more powerful than they initially let on.

H - Your reign of terror is finished! Give up now, you lost.V - (laugh) Is that so?H - We've destroyed your weapon! You have nothing left!V - I'm afraid that is where you're wrong. Do you really think I needed that old hunk of steel?H - But...the said if we destroy the weapon-V - I AM the weapon! You somehow manage to prove yourself more foolish every time we interact. Luckily for me, this time will be the last!H - No...V - (laughing or improvised taunting)H - No!

The "Chicken" Egg

Rascal (R) - A quirky, eccentric sidekick that definitely did not bring a dragon's egg into the lab.
Alchemist(A) - A very perceptive scientist, bit of a goodie-two-shoes, doesn't want to get in trouble with the law.

A - Uhhh...what is that?R - This? Oh, psh, it's nothing! Don't even worry about it.A - Don't worry about it?? Because what it looks like is-R - Looks can be deceiving! I once mistook an alligator for a crocodile, and let me tell you, it was NOT happy!A - A crocodile? What are you-...Don't change the subject! There's no mistaking a dragon's egg! Don't you know how illegal those are??R - Of course I do! I am an upstanding, law abiding citizen thank you very much! This is just chicken egg! (chuckle) It's crazy what an organic diet does huh?A - organic chicken egg huh? That's what you're going with?R - ...(sigh) Alright fine, I'll get rid of it! Ugh, you're such a killjoy!

Answer Or Annihilate

Host (H) - An over-the-top alien gameshow host. Runs the universe's favorite morally questionable gameshow, answer or annihilate!
Contestant (C) - A very confused human, who has been brought on to this insane gameshow.

C - Ugh, where am I?H - Wwwwwwwelcome sentient organisms from near and far, to the universe's FAVORITE gameshow, ANSWER! OR! ANNIHILATE! (chuckle)C - Wh- annihilate?? What do you-H - Today's contestant is from a little underdeveloped planet called Earth! The inhabitants of Earth evolved from monkeys! (chuckle) Can you believe that folks?C - Let me out of here! I don't wanna be on your stupid gameshow!H - Aww, aren't humans cute? So aggressive! (chuckle) Alright human, here's your first question, we'll start with an easy one. And remember, your precious planet is on the line! How many parsecs wide is the Pinwheel Galaxy?C - Parsecs?? The pinwheel galaxy?! How am I supposed to know that???H - Ahh, I'm afraid the answer was 47 thousand. Basic galactic astronomy! And with that, it's time for PLANETARY ANNIHILATION! Bye bye Earth! (laugh)C - Wh...what?! NOOOOO!!!

Camped Too Far

Camper (C) - An innocent camper on a camping trip with some friends. They may have chosen to camp out a bit too far from civilization.
Monster (M) - A body-snatching monster, impersonating Camper's friend. Is ready to feast on some unexpecting campers.

(Screaming sound)C - (Wakes up) Did you hear that? I thought you said we were alone?M - We are alone, nobody else camps out this far.C - Then what was that sound??M - It sounded like a scream, but that's was probably a bobcat.C - Maybe...should we go check on Derrek and Alice?M - Yeah, just in case. You go ahead, I'll get the flashlights out of my bag.C - Alright. Derrek? Alice? You guys okay? Hello? Hey hurry up with those flashlight, I can't see anything out here.M - (In a different/distorted voice) Good. It's better if you don't see.C - What? That's not funny, stop playing around! Derrek! Alice!M - People don't camp out this far for a reason. (laugh or creepy monster sound)C - (Scream of terror)

I'm Leaving

Character A (A) - Exhausted, tired of their current situation. Is ready to give up and just leave things behind.
Character B (B) - Has dealt with character A leaving before, and has had enough of it.

A - I’ve had enough. I’m leaving.B - No you’re not.A - Get out of my way.B - I’m not letting you leave!A - Why not?! Why can’t you just let me go?!B - Because EVERY TIME things get tough, you run away! You leave ME to deal with everything!A - That's because you CAN deal with everything! You're stronger than me, you always have been.B - You're wrong. Every time you leave me to pick up the pieces, I end up leaving parts of myself behind. And now? I'm at the point where leaving anything leaving everything behind. Enough is enough.A - ...I didn't know...B - Of course you didn't know! You're not here to see it! (scoff) If you wanna go then go. Just don't expect me to be here when you get back.

Nice Try Snitch

Shady Shopkeeper (S) - A notorious shopkeeper that is said to be able to acquire just about anything. Even things that aren't exactly legal. Ain't no fool.
Royal Informant (R) - Undercover informant, trying to get evidence against the shopkeeper. Not the best undercover agent...

(R) - Uh, hey..are you Shadowcloak?(S) - Shhh not so loud! I might be, might not. What's it to ya?(R) - Sorry...Well, Lady Guinevere told me you might be able to sell me some uh...some Dragonsblood?(S) - Ahh good old Lady Gwen huh? chuckle I'd be careful saying that name around these parts, some of the people down here don't take too kindly to royalty.(R) - ...Yeah. So do you have any?(S) - Hmm. I'm curious as to why somebody of your uh...demeanor - no offense - would want such a powerful ILLEGAL poison?(R) - Does it matter?? I have the coin!(S) - chuckle I'm sure you do snitch. Nice try. But just like you - I got nothin.(R) - Dammit.

The Prophecy Festival

Sidekick (S) - Energetic, quirky, full of life. Excited for the annual prophecy festival, and drags along their friend, Unlikely Hero.
Unlikely Hero (H) - Just an average person, who is about to become so much more.

(H) - Uhhh where are we?(S) - We finally made it! Wwwwelcome to the Prophecy Festival!(H) - The Prophecy Festival? I thought you said we were going on a quest?(S) - Well, this is kind of a quest! An important one! Every year people from around the world journey here, to try their hand at Agatha's Prophecy. This is your first time in town, we couldn't miss it!(H) - laugh Alright then, what is this Agatha's Prophecy then?(S) - Hundreds of years ago, before all the magic disappeared, a great Seer named Agatha foretold the death - and the rebirth of magic in our world.(H) - The rebirth of magic huh? I'm not even convinced magic ever actually existed.(S) - It did! It's well documented! She said that one day, somebody will come HERE and fulfil the prophecy. And they'll be the one to restore magic to our world!(H) - Interesting. And how will they know who the prophecy is about?(S) - Everyone takes turns standing underneath that giant bell. It hasn't rung since the death of magic! You just go under it, and raise your hands into the air! If it rings, it means that you're the chosen one! We're up next!! Do you want to go first or me?(H) - After you.(S) - (efforts)...(huff) Nope, not this year. Alright your turn!(H) - Alright, here we go. (lazily puts hand up) (bell rings)(S) - (Gasp) You're the chosen one?! OH CHOSEN ONE, WHAT SAY YOU TO YOUR NEW FOLLOWERS?(H) - Um...hesitant laugh Hi?(S) - THE CHOSEN ONE HAS SPOKEN! I knew we were best friends for a reason!! My best friend is the chosen one my best friend is the chosen one!! WOOHOOO!

With Or Against Me

Villain (V) - Used to be a hero, has now turned into a villain. Is confronted by their old friend, Hero.
Hero (H) - Watched as their best friend went down a path of villainy. Confronts them, hoping to change their ways, but is met with an ultimatum instead.

(H) - How could you do this?! You and I vowed to fight the very thing that you've become!(V) - We were blind when we made that vow! But now I can see.(H) - I don't want to fight you! Don't make me do this.(V) - You're making this choice on your own. You know that I'll let nothing stand in my way. So tell me, are you with me, or are you against me?(H) - (Contemplation) Against you.(V) - (Disappointed exhale) So be it. Draw your blade.(H) - Please...I can't beat you...(V) - I know. (Optional battlecry)


Franklin (F) - Bumbling lackey, not the brightest bulb in the box. Worked hard to set up the upcoming supervillain cookout.
Villain (V) - Supervillain mastermind in charge of this year's supervillain cookout. Ordered their lackey to set things up, and gave specific instructions...perhaps not specific enough though...

(F) - Hey boss! It's all set up!(V) - Already? Such quick work! I would have never thought you capable!(F) - Gosh, I never wore a cape before, but I think it would be very stylish.(V) - (Sigh) Stop talking while you're ahead Franklin. This is going to be the greatest super-villain cookout of all time! It'll make the (mockingly) Hero Cookout look like a farce!(F) - I heard the heroes had steaks at their cookout.(V) - WHAT?? STEAKS?? In this economy?! Ugh...showoffs. I see the tables and chairs, but where is the canopy?(F) - Oh yeah! It's right here boss!(V) - What is...Franklin...(F) - I filled it up myself!(V) - (Restrained anger) I said CANOPY Franklin, CANOPY, not CAN OF...Franklin I need you out of my sight, NOW, before I shove this can SO FAR UP YOUR-

Don't Meet Your Heroes

The Great Bulini (B) - A renowned magician, who recently held a competition to find their new apprentice. A bit full of themselves.
Contest Winner (C) - The person who won Bulini's competition, is very excited to learn some magic from the master of magic themselves! Can do real magic.

(C) - Hello?(B) - Hello! You must be my new apprentice!(C) - Yes! I'm (name), I'm so excited to work with you!(B) - Rightfully so! Not many get the chance to work under the great Bulini!(C) - I can't wait to learn from you! Though, if you don't mind me asking, what made me stand out from the rest of the contest entrants?(B) - Your letter was hilarious! You made it sound like you actually believe in magic!(C) - What...what do you mean?(B) - That part where you talked about conjuring flames? (laugh) Almost as good as my own marketing team!(C) - But, I really can conjure flames...(B) - Yeah, and I really can walk on waAAAAAAAAAT THE HELL!(C) - See?(B) - Witchcraft! Unholy sorcery!(C) - Can't you do magic too?(B) - Of course not! It's all smoke mirrors and Adobe Premier Pro! Back foul beast! Back!(C) - (Sigh)

Angel vs Devil - The Order

Angel (A) - The Angel on your shoulder, fights for good and moral decisions.
Devil (D) - The Devil on your shoulder, tempts you with evil and hedonistic decisions.Human (H) - A puny human, torn between good and evil. (note: this role only has 1 line, and can thus be played by whoever plays the Angel)

(A) - Please don't do it...this isn't who you are...(D) - It IS who you are, it always has been. You don't have to hide your true self any longer. Do it.(A) - Don't! Think of your friends!(D) - Your friends trust your judgement! They're the ones who put you in charge, because you're the only one who can make the tough calls. Your time is now.(A) - How can you say that?! You KNOW the chaos, the fallout this will cause!(D) - Maybe we need some chaos! And you're right, there will be fallout. But the fallout will be enlightening. It's time to cull the wheat from the chaff. Make the call.(A) - No no no-!(H) - Hi, I'd like to order one large pizza...with pineapple please(D) - Yes...YES! (laugh of victory)

The Mothership

Ace (A) - A retired ace pilot and infiltrator. Has been called in for a meeting by the general of their former army.
General (G) - Leader of the impending war against the Mothership. Is desperate for a solution.

(G) - I have a job for you. The chances of success are slim, but you're the only one who might be able to pull it off.(A) - I told you, I'm done with this.(G) - I know, but we need you. One last time. The Mothership is no longer a problem we can ignore.(A) - (scoff) What do you need me to do?(G) - Infiltration. We need to take out the broodmother.(A) - Infiltration?? Do you understand how many guards they have?! And more are being hatched by the day!(G) - Which is why we need to act now! I wouldn't ask you if we had any other options.(A) - You're asking me to give my life for a problem YOU created! I told you months ago that they needed to be dealt with, but you wanted to play galactic diplomat. Find someone else to die for you.

No Mercy

Swordsman (S) - A swordsman getting revenge for the betrayal of his brother. Refuses to give the traitor mercy.
Traitor (T) - A traitor who stabbed his friend in the back, and is now paying the price.

(T) - (effort of attack) (groan of pain) (heavy breathing)(S) - Predictable. Get up.(T) - (heavy breathing) (effort) (scream of pain) Why are you doing this??(S) - You know what you've done! Get up!(T) - No! Just kill me!! (getting sliced by sword) Ahhh!(S) - You have not earned a warrior's death! (swinging sword effort)(T) - Ahh! Please...Please...(S) - You're begging?! My brother trusted you, and you stabbed him in the back! Now you lay here and beg me, for what? For mercy? For a quick death? You deserve neither, and will get neither.

Bad Business

Customer (C) - A customer trying to return the movie that they rented. But they have made a grave mistake.
Employee (E) - An employee at the movie store. Plays the role of the spooky monster at first.

(C) - Hello? Anybody here?(E) - *(spooky scary voice) *Why have you come here?(C) - Uhh..I'm just here to uh...(E) - Do not waste my time with hesitancy!(C) - Sorry! I'm...I'm just here to return this movie?(E) - I see. Have you ensured that it is rewound?(C) - Oh well...I don't...I don't remember...(E) - You don't remember? Tell me, are you aware of the consequences of returning a tape that has not been properly rewound?(C) - - Each second of time un-rewound equates to a century endless, merciless, UNBEARABLE pain for your soul to endure! Not to mention...(C) - Ahhhhhhhh!!(E) - (normal voice)...the 25 cent rewind fee. (sigh) Ugh, you see? I told you "blockbuster but scary" was a bad business idea...

Bigshot With A Secret

Bigshot (B) - A busy city bigshot, taking a cab in a rush. Has a dark secret that he hopes nobody knows.
Cab Driver (C) - City cab driver that has been waiting for B to take his cab. The court system didn't bring justice for his sister, so he'll do it himself.

(C) - Where to?(B) - 55th and Madison. And make it quick will ya?(C) - You got it. (pause) Hey you're Dylan Rodgers, aren't you?(B) - Hey if we could keep the chatter to a minimum, I'd appreciate it.(C) - Oh don't worry, you don't need to say much. Do you know who I am?(B) - Well I dunno, you just missed the turn onto Madison, so I'd say you're a lousy cabbie, tryin to run up the meter on me, that about right?(C) - (smile) Something like that.(B) - (scoff) Just let me out here so I can find a cab that knows where they're goin.(C) - Oh don't you worry, I know where I'm going. And you're not getting out. Does the name Anabelle Evans ring a bell?(B) - Annabelle...Hey listen, that was a long time ago alright? And it was an accident! What do you want, money? Just let me out!(C) - I'm not the courts, you can't pay me off. You should buckle up.(B) - Let me out! LET ME OUT!!

Classic Bard Move

Dungeon Master (D) - The Dungeon Master of a D&D game, is frustrated by the Bard's antics.
Bard (B) - The Bard player, doing what Bard players do best. Shenanigans.

(D) - As you enter the final chamber, Asmodeus rises slowly from his throne. He looks down upon you, a sly grin on his face. "Worthy adversaries. Finally." What do you do? And please don't say that y-(B) - I seduce him.(D) - Seduce him...(sigh) How do you plan to seduce him?(B) - I'm gonna strut up, look deep into his eyes, and say..."Hey...(smirk) how you doin?" (or improvise short line)(D) - Really...THAT'S what you say to seduce the literal overlord of the 9 hells?(B) - It sure is.(D) - Alright, roll for persuasion, I guess, I-(B) - Nat 20!(D) - Wh- uhh, with disadvantage!(B) - Naaaaatural twentyyyy, that's a 34 with modifiers.(D) - 34?! How do you even...(roll dice) (scoff) Alright he falls in love with you and you all live happily ever after as the new co-overlords of the nine hells, alright? Whatever. I knew I shouldn't have let you play a Bard...

A Vampire's Power

Tour Guide (T) - A tour guide giving a group of guests a tour around the museum. Has no idea one of the guests is secretly a vampire.
Vampire (V) - A vampire, come to take back the source of vampiric power that has been long since stolen, and now resides in a museum.

(T) - And our final, exhibit, the Heart of Darkness. Legends says this jewel is the source of all Vampiric power, and was created nearly 400 years ago in Transylvania!(V) - 600 actually.(T) - Sorry?(V) - It was created 600 years ago. And it wasn't in Transylvania. It was created in Istria, or Croatia, as it's called now.(T) - nervous laugh Where did you learn that?(V) - smirk Firsthand experience. Did you know that it was stolen? In fact, that's the reason Vampires began feeding upon the blood of humans. Without our source of power, we needed some way to stay alive.(T) - laugh We?(V) - When I reclaim what is ours, we will have no need to continue feeding. However, need and desire do not always align. After all, we've grown to love the taste.


Ace (A) - 1st character
Base (B) - 2nd character

(G) - line(A) - line(G) - line(A) - line(G) - line(A) - line(G) - line(A) - line